This Daring F-16 Pilot Went on a Kamikaze Mission on 9/11

On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.…

Gunpowder Weapons in Medieval Europe

The first gunpowder weapons were used in Europe during the late Middle…

A Florida Museum Looks West

The Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville is a Smithsonian affiliate…

US Air Cavalry Trooper Versus North Vietnamese Soldier Review

The US Air Cavalry Troop was in the process of carrying out…

Facts about the infamous Wild West outlaw

The Wild West was a time of lawlessness, where the United States…

John D. Rockefeller Sr.’s Pap Was a Con Man

John D. Rockefeller Sr.’s Pap Was a Con Man is the story…

The WWI Airplane Crash that Inspired Director Sam Mendes in ‘1917’

The film, “1917,” is a historical drama that tells the story of…

Uncloaking the Jeff Davis Myth

The myth of Jeff Davis, the Confederate president who never existed, has…

Oldest Living WWII Veteran Celebrates 112th Birthday

A World War II veteran celebrated his 112th birthday on Thursday, marking…

The Army and Marines Battled Over War Plans in Vietnam

The Battle of Ap Bac was the first major battle in Vietnam…