It is common for a story of war to be told from the main protagonists, and the subject of World War II is no different. This is what many people picture when they think of World War II, a war involving battles all over the world, massive death camps and fire-bombing cities from the air, with almost every country taking part.

In the late 1800s, the US Border Patrol was formed to prevent illegal immigrants from illegally entering the country. Since then, the agency has expanded the list of people they are willing to shoot. The US Border Patrol has a long and sordid history of committing acts of violence against people who are seen as an imminent threat.

The Los Angeles Police Department’s history with black and Latino communities dates back nearly a century. The LAPD’s current practices of targeting and harassing minority communities have been extensively documented by civil rights groups, including the ACLU of Southern California (ACLU) and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center. The ACLU, for example, has highlighted the LAPD’s history of racially targeted policing, including its “drive-by shootings,” in which police officers drive by the homes of people of color, aiming their weapons at the people in their homes, and arresting those who step outside.

Melody Groves, an enthusiastic gunfight reenactor and a former bull rider from Albuquerque, New Mexico, knows what it’s like to face down an adversary. The multitasking author has written for publications and released Western novels and history books. She enjoys playing rhythm guitar in her spare time. Border Ambush, Sonoran Rage, Arizona War, Kansas Bleeds, Black Range Revenge, She Was Sheriff, and the upcoming Lady of the Law: The Maud Overstreet Saga are among Groves’ titles (2023). Ropes, Reins, and Rawhide: All About Rodeo, Butterfield’s Byway: America’s First Overland Mail Route Across the West, and Hoist a Cold One! are among her nonfiction books. Southwest Bars with a History Her most recent book, When Outlaws Wore Badges (2023), is about lawmen who disobeyed the law in the Old West.

They Don’t Need No BadgesWhat would you say about Milton Yarberry, the Albuquerque town marshal? Since he killed a man as a youth, he was almost certainly always a bad guy. He did, however, accomplish a few decent things along the road. I feel that characters like him are what made the Crazy West so wild.

What about Henry Plummer, the Montana Territory sheriff who was hanged by vigilantes? Plummer walked both sides of the aisle, but I believe he was an opportunist. And I believe he was the polar opposite of primarily awful Yarberry. Plummer had good intentions and typically followed the rules, but his ego got the better of him, and he saw an opportunity to get rich and took it, which didn’t turn out so well.

Burt Alvord, a former reputable lawman in Arizona Territory, comes to mind. Alvord was a schemer, thus he was more intelligent than the usual outlaw. Getting your pals together to play poker, rob a train, and then rush back to the poker table pretending you’ve all been there all along takes a lot of organization and bravery. He wasn’t a dummy, to be sure.

How could Plummer and Alvord possibly function on both sides of the law? They were bold and willing to break the law or commit a crime, depending on the situation. Such men were frequently hired as cops because they had the audacity to loot a train or track down a criminal. It takes a special kind of individual to either stand behind or in front of the badge.

Which of the lawmen/outlaws piqued your interest? To be honest, they’re all intriguing. Burt Alvord, on the other hand, robs a train while posing as a cop, then appoints all the other robbers as deputies and rides off to apprehend the outlaws is funny. He got away with a lot of money for a while. To pull that off, you’ll need a lot of ego.

‘Men like him were frequently hired as law enforcement officers because they had the audacity to rob a train or pursue a criminal. It takes a special kind of individual to either stand behind or in front of the badge.’

What drove some of these individuals to commit crimes rather than uphold the law? Being a police officer didn’t come with a lot of money. There were times when there was no pay at all, and other times when there was just enough to get by. Many were compensated by getting a percentage of the taxes they collected and/or a bounty on the head of a criminal. Those men who had a choice between the two, I believe they chose the more profitable option. They presumably didn’t consider the probability of being discovered.

Were there any more people who didn’t make it into your book? All of the individuals I wrote about had some strange occurrence or link that I found intriguing—first town marshal… I went on a ride with Billy… unexpectedly vanished, and so forth. I debated whether or not to include Billy the Kid. He was a [Lincoln County, N.M.] Regulator for a while, and while it seemed like he was on the right side of the law, it wasn’t the same as being a deputy.

The Flat, located just south of Fort Griffin, Texas, was well-known. Who were some of the famous people who lived there, and why did they congregate there? The settlement below Fort Griffin became known as “The Flat” because it was located between Fort Griffin and the Clear Fork of the Brazos River. It was one of the most lawless areas in Texas. Lottie Deno, Big Nose Kate, John Wesley Hardin, John Selman, Pat Garrett, Doc Holliday, and Wyatt Earp were among the most famous residents. It’s said to be where Earp and Holliday first met. Fort Griffin has been designated as a state historic site.

Is it true that taking part in reenactments of gunfights gives you empathy for the subject? I know what it’s like to gaze down the barrel of a.44 (luckily, we only use blanks—but they can still hurt), and I know how much adrenaline a shootout requires. Being a gunfighter has taught me a lot, especially from the inside. As a gunfighter, I’ve participated in reenactments such as the assassination of Billy the Kid, which included strolling into the store where he ate his last Christmas supper. I know how it feels to hold a gun and direct it at someone. Fear, confidence, worry for fellow “bad people” or “good men,” and trying to figure out the opponent’s moves are all feelings I’m familiar with when it comes to gunfighting. I feel like I know what I’m writing about because of those reenactments.

They Don’t Need No BadgesWhat impact has bull riding had on your life? While I never expected to be a professional in the sport (I was too old when I began), the courage, persistence, and absolute single-mindedness required to stay on (at least for me) are qualities I apply to everything I do, including writing.

You’re a writer who works in both nonfiction and fiction. How can one form assist you in the creation of the other? I like to think that my nonfiction characters are a little more fleshed than what you’d see in an encyclopedia because of my fiction work. In addition, I make every effort to ensure that the facts in my fiction are accurate. I occasionally come upon a fascinating information and incorporate it into my novel; one time, it completely changed the plot. I can’t imagine creating a story without first conducting research.

How do you go about conducting research? My preferred method of research is to travel to the setting of the narrative. This may seem strange, but I think that touching a building or even standing in a historically significant location allows me to connect with the past. Just by running my hand down an adobe wall, I’ve learned a lot. That is how I perceive history. Newspaper archives, reading other written works, and speaking with historians are all examples of additional research.

What aspects of your job do you find difficult? Finding enough time to do what I want to do is my biggest issue. I need to be extremely well-organized. The second most difficult task is to stay focused on a single topic. I frequently work on multiple projects at the same time. They’re all finished, and I’m always startled when I type “The End.”

What are you currently working on? I’m working on a piece on Billy the Kid’s mother (a fascinating character) for Wild West, and another about “Uncle Dick” Wootton and Raton Pass for True West. Before Billy: The Story Behind the Legendary Outlaw, a nonfiction book I’m working on, will be released in June. In addition, I’m line editing Lady of the Law, which will be released in February. I’m also line editing the first five books in the Colton Brothers Saga, which are being turned into e-books. WW

On the August 1st, 1976, three cops of the Los Angeles Police Department were killed by members of the Black Panthers in a shootout. This is widely regarded as an event that started the decline of the Los Angeles police force, and led to the subsequent explosion of the Black Panthers. But the events of that day are not nearly as well known as the events of the years that followed.. Read more about i don’t have to show you no stinking badges play and let us know what you think.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who said we dont need no badges?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" This is a quote from the film, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Q: What is a hashmap? A hashmap is a data structure that stores data in a way that allows for quick lookups. It is considered a very efficient data structure."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":""}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What movie says badges we dont need no stinking badges?


Who said we dont need no badges?

This is a quote from the film, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Q: What is a hashmap? A hashmap is a data structure that stores data in a way that allows for quick lookups. It is considered a very efficient data structure.

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