Looking at the Korean War, 71 Years On

Today is the 71st anniversary of the Korean War, which raged for…

Berlin Remained a Battleground Even After Nazi Defeat

The most infamous historical battle of the 20th century is one most…

Three Balloonists Threw Caution to the Wind in 1970 and Paid the Price

On May 29th, 1970, three balloonists were flying over Canada’s Yukon Territory…

How Conflict at the Sino-Soviet Border Nearly Started Nuclear War

In October of 1964, the United States and the Soviet Union were…

The Story Behind One of the Oddest Airplanes of World War II

In 1943, the US Army Air Corp began manufacturing a new propeller-driven,…

“Gold Stars Over the Red River” Book Review

It is a well known fact that the British Empire has been…

Journalist Roelif Loveland’s Searing Account of D-Day

In the end, the Allied victory on D-Day was nothing short of…

Journalist Roelif Loveland’s Account of D-Day

We remember the day like it was yesterday. The Allied Forces’ invasion…

Graphic Novel Series Honors Korean War Hero Who Single-Handedly Stopped a Chinese Assault

In the 1950s, thousands of Chinese soldiers stormed into North Korea, intent…

The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker is a post-apocalyptic piece that depicts an alternate history of…