Hobbycraft Bf-109D vs. Polikarpov I-16

In the early 1930s, the Soviet Air Force was a small but…

Heisman Winner Tom Harmon’s War

A lot of people are wondering why Tom Harmon hasn’t been drafted…

The Surprising Submarine Squad That Patrolled the North Atlantic

This is the story of four British Royal Navy submariners who volunteered…

How the Vietnam Ended in 1975

When the Republic of Vietnam officially surrendered to the Communist army in…

The War in Afghanistan in Photos

Afghanistan is a country that has never been free from war, but…

World War II, Korean War Marine’s Stories Brought to Life in New Graphic Novel

It’s always exciting when a new work of established literary talent finds…

The Complicated Legacy of Matthew Maury, the ‘Scientist of the Seas’

Matthew Maury, an avid oceanographer, was a noted marine scientist and captain.…

An Army Officer’s Unexpected Company in Vietnam, 1972

During a year that was marked by increasing troop strength throughout the…

Last Air Battles of World War II

The last air battles of World War II were fought in the…

Building a High-Flying Duo: Ju-86R vs. Spitfire Mk.IX

Another type of aircraft that saw action in WWII was the twin-engine,…